
Grip Pressure and Fitting Your Gun to Your Hands - Part 2

Posted by Joel Park on Oct 9th 2022

In the previous blog, I explained the grip pressure I use when shooting a handgun. To sum it up, the support hand does most of the work controlling recoil and the firing hand’s main job is just pulling the trigger. Knowing how each hand plays a role in grip greatly influences how the gun shoul …

Grip Pressure and Fitting Your Gun to Your Hands - Part 1

Posted by Joel Park on Sep 25th 2022

Grip Pressure and Fitting Your Gun to Your Hands - Part 1  What we think is happening is often not what is actually happening. When buying a handgun, most competitors choose one based on how the gun feels in their hands, with little thought about if the gun actually fits their hands? Befor …
Setting Up Your Belt Rig by Joel Park

Setting Up Your Belt Rig by Joel Park

Posted by Joel Park on Aug 20th 2022

Watching a top shooter perform a .80 draw and a sub-second reload is always impressive. The first thing that usually jumps out at me is the lack of wasted motion. Often, it doesn’t even look like the shooter has to try that hard; it just all seems to happen magically. I can’t promise to cut …