Dillon Precision

Dillon Precision RL 550C Reloader

$590.00 - $660.00
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The Dillon RL550C is the most versatile reloading machine in the Dillon Precision Products line. It will accommodate the widest variety of cartridges from 32 ACP up to 338 Lapua, 416 Rigby, and 460 Weatherby.
It has a manually indexed shellplate making it easier to master the various steps of reloading. Manual indexing also gives the operator greater control over each individual step in the loading process. Caliber changes are simple and require fewer parts than other machines which makes it less expensive to convert to another cartridge.

The "C" designation indicates a significant revision from the original design. The upper link arm pivot pins are now threaded in place, and have a grease groove around the pin that connects with a lube hole on the end of the pin. You can use a needle fitting on a grease gun to lubricate the upper pivot pins now.
The RL550C comes with a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects and normal wear and tear.

Base price with one Caliber Conversion Kit is $590.00
The Machine is shown with options

Options shown are as follows:
Handgun carbide die set 
550 Strong Mount #22051
Aluminum Roller Handle #17950
Low Powder Sensor #16306
Aluminum Bullet Tray #22214
Toolholder with wrenches #11541
Empty Case Bin & Bracket #11185

Dies are not included with this machine.
The machine is priced starting at $590.00.


The RL550C has a manually indexed shellplate making it easier to master the various steps of reloading. Manual indexing also gives the operator greater control over each individual step in the loading process. Caliber changes are simple and require fewer parts than other machines which makes it less expensive to convert to another cartridge.


An automatic casefeed system, similar to the one used on Dillon's commercial-grade Super 1050 machine and the XL 650, is now available for YOUR RL 550B or C! You simply dump a quart of cases into the hopper and turn it on. The motor-driven disc fills the case feed tube, a micro-switch shuts off the motor when the tube is full, and automatically restarts it when low. This case feeder only works for the handgun calibers listed under the casefeed caliber conversions. Rifle cases are too tall to feed with this system. 

Large Pistol Casefeeder 

Small Pistol Casefeeder 


Reloading with Dillon’s RL 550C is Easy as 1-2-3! 

Most shooters realize that reloading is the most economical way to enjoy their sport, but many shooters are unaware of just how simple it is to reload. In fact, Dillon’s RL 550C is the easiest progressive loader in the world to learn to reload with. How can we make that statement? Simple. Since all of the reloading steps are performed with a stroke of the handle, there is less to remember (or forget) than with an old-fashioned single-station press. Skeptical? Just watch this short video to see how easy it really is. 


No Adjustments 
Of all the steps in reloading, the adjustment of the reloading dies is the most critical. With the Dillon RL 550C’s removable toolhead, your dies will stay in perfect adjustment. There’s no need to screw them in and out even when changing calibers! The RL 550C functions perfectly with any standard 7/8” x 14 die set. There’s less to go wrong, less to remember. 

It’s Your Choice 
You can struggle along with a slow, cumbersome single-station press with all its adjustments, changes and secrets, or make your life easier with a progressive RL 550C. If you’re thinking about a competitor’s reloader, before you put your money down, consider this: Dillon will let you try the RL 550C for 30 days. If it doesn’t live up to our claims, or your expectations, return it. We’ll refund your money. Our warranty is simple: If it breaks, we’ll fix it FREE for as long as you own it. 

Rifle and Pistol

The RL 550C will produce match-quality ammo for over 160 different rifle and pistol calibers. 

Dies sold separately. 

The Base Model RL550C includes:

  • Powder measure with standard large and small powder bars - small installed.  Small bar throws from 2.1 - 17 grs of powder large bar throws up to  50 - 55 grs of powder.
  • Prime system includes large and small priming parts
  • Large and small primer pick up tubes (1 ea)
  • Low Primer Alarm
  • Four Station Toolhead
  • Powder Die
  • Loaded Cartridge Catch Bin
  • Written Instruction Manual
  • Set of Standard Allen wrenches
You will also need (at a minimum):
I suggest that you also get: To change calibers, you will need: 
  • Die set for the new caliber. 
  • Caliber Conversion Kit
  • If you have the optional electric casefeeder you may need a different casefeed plate. 
If you want to leave your dies preset, you'll need: 
  • Toolhead (#13909)
  • Powder die (#20064)
  • OR the 550 Quick Change (#22058),which includes a powder measure, powder die, toolhead and a toolhead stand. This allows you to leave your dies and powder charge set up and dedicated to a specific cartridge for faster, easier caliber changes.

1 Review

  • 5
    Regret not buying this sooner...

    Posted by Bill B on Aug 11th 2024

    So I'm primarily a precision rifle guy, but at this point I've reloaded 2,000 rounds of 9mm, a few hundred .223 REM, and 120 rounds of 6mm BRA. Assembly was a no-brainer. Getting used to the process and set up takes a bit and its 100% worth just getting a tool head for every caliber you plan to reload. Let me say this for my precision rifle reloads, I checked my velocities this weekend at a match and shot a 6 fps SD and my group was below a 1/2 inch runnign whidden and redding dies. For the precision reloads I'm running a Chargemaster with the AT500 powder die. Just pause with the ram up and dump powder. My only regret is not buying a 550 setup sooner. The amount of time I save with this press is worth its weight in gold.