1911 Plunger Tube Stake-On in Stainless Steel by EGW (11211)
Machined from: Stainless Steel
Finish: Stainless
To install a plunger tube we recommend that you open a small (.030) relief on the plunger tube holes inside the frame. Use an air grinder with a small ball cutter to do this. Next, test fit the plunger tube to insure it fits and make sure it will mount flush with the frame. When installing a plunger tube use Red 271 locktite (not included). Use a drop of locktite primer on each pin and a couple spots along the body. Using our Delrin Plunger Tube Staking tool, hold the frame in a vise. Use several pieces of paper where the vise jaw meets the frame and the delrin block on the other side so that the frame is not marked. Our staking tool reaches through the mag well, allowing you to tap the head lightly to peen the thin skirts into the fillets cut on the frame.