Dillon Precision

Dillon Precision XL750 Reloader

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Dillon Precision XL750 Reloader

The Dillon XL750 is a high-speed progressive reloading machine designed to load the common rifle and handgun cartridges, from 17 Hornet though the common belted magnum cartridges in rifle, and 32 ACP through 500 S&W in handgun. Machine height from the bench is 32" without the optional electric case feeder, 38 1/2" with the electric casefeeder installed. 


The basic 750 includes the following: 

    • 1 powder measure with standard large and small powder bars (small bar installed). The small bar throws from 2.1 to 15 grains of powder. The large bar throws from 15 to 55 grains of extruded powder or up to 60 grains of ball/spherical type powder.
    • 1 primer system with large and small priming parts (appropriate size installed).
    • 1 large and one small primer pick-up tube.
    • Low Primer Alarm 
    • 1 loaded cartridge bin
    • 1 toolhead
    • 1 powder die
    • 1 caliber conversion kit - installed
    • 1 set of standard Allen wrenches


To change calibers, you will need: 

  • Die set for the new caliber. 
  • A Caliber Conversion Kit. (GET ONE HERE)
  • If you have the optional electric casefeeder you may need a different casefeed plate. Please refer to the caliber conversion chart in the Instruction Manual.
  • If you are using the Mr. Bulletfeeder you made need a caliber conversion.

If you want to leave your dies preset, you'll need: 

  • Toolhead(#13863)
  • Powder die(#20064) 
  • OR The 650 Quick Change(#22059), which includes a powder measure, powder die, toolhead and a toolhead stand. This allows you to leave your dies and powder charge set up and dedicated to a specific cartridge for faster, easier caliber changes.

CONFIGURATION NOTE: the XL750 does not support the combination of our Dillon 3-die set, a low powder check and a Mr. Bullet Feeder.

1 Review

  • 5
    My first progressive press, works amazing

    Posted by J kaz on Aug 13th 2019

    I have been hand loading with a single stage press for 17 years. This is my first progressive press, it takes a little bit to get it all set up. Once you do it's a breeze. I can load about 300 rounds an hour of 9mm.